
My name is Todd and my daughter Katie (who is now 2 years old) has Cystic Fibrosis. My wife Julie and I learned of this diagnosis on Tuesday September 30 2008. Julie knew before I did – mother’s intuition, I guess. I lived in denial until the medical diagnosis had been delivered to us on that fateful day. Katie’s older brother, Noah – three and a half years old – understands that Katie has CF, but he doesn’t yet grasp the full impact of what this means for our family.

Our family has changed since that late September day. This blog is a chronicle of these changes. Not sure where this conversation will go yet. As with everything in the future, only time will tell.

We’ve aptly titled this blog, “Breathing as a family”, as CF doesn’t only affect Katie – it affects all of us, as a family. And, as a family, we have learned, and will continue to learn, how to live with this disease together.

We invite you to share this journey with us. Our goals for this blog are fourfold. It provides a place for:
1. us to share our hopes, joys, celebrations, frustrations, sadness and everything in between;
2. our family and friends to keep up to date on what’s going on with us;
3. others to share and learn – especially other families that are living with Cystic Fibrosis; and
4. raising awareness, fundraising and building community;

So please, visit often. Feel free to comment and share in the discussion.

Thanks for visiting and talk soon!

Todd, Julie, Noah and Katie